19 February 2024


The Office of the Attorney General, the Law Reform Commission, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Chief State Solicitor’s Office are delighted to launch the Legal Research Intern Access Scheme 

Interns will gain practical experience, undertaking focused legal research work as part of a team, within one of the following; the Office of the Attorney General, the Law Reform Commission, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Chief State Solicitor’s Office. The internships will provide experience of working in a legal environment and the opportunity to gain knowledge regarding the various career paths open to law graduates, including careers in the public sector.

We hope that other public sector bodies will follow our example and would be delighted to assist any organisation that wants to replicate the model.

For more information and to apply please see read the Information Booklet.

Applicants should forward their Application Form electronically to: internship@ag.irlgov.ie. The closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday, 7th of March 2024 at 12 noon.

Frequently asked questions – Legal Research Access Internship