Expressions of Interest Sought from Counsel
30 March 2021
The Director of Public Prosecutions seeks expressions of interest from barristers wishing to be considered for inclusion on the panel of barristers maintained by her in the following area of prosecution work:
- Prosecutions on Indictment in the Circuit Court in Dublin
- High Court Bail
Barristers are briefed by the Director on a case by case basis. They will act for the Director in accordance with her instructions and in compliance with the Guidelines for Prosecutors. Retention on any panel is at the discretion of the Director, and is subject to satisfactory performance of work on her behalf, as will be determined by the Director.
Barristers are ordinarily expected to have a minimum of four years at the Bar or relevant equivalent experience in order to be considered for work on indictable prosecutions in Dublin and three years’ experience for the High Court Bails Panel.
Interested barristers should email and request an application form and an explanatory memorandum on the role of Prosecution Counsel.
Completed application forms should include details of their education, career and experience to date (with particular reference to any criminal law experience in the above categories).
As the application will form the basis of a short listing process barristers should ensure that they provide sufficient relevant detail to reflect their experience.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 5:00pm on Tuesday 27 April 2021.